Thursday, August 23, 2012

Patbingsu 팥빙수

A very popular dessert here in Korea is shaved ice, Patbingsu 팥빙수.  It sounds very uninteresting, especially when the ingredients include red beans (pretty sure red beans are spicy and served on rice.)  With that said a friend and I were out and she insisted that I had to try this and further I would enjoy the dessert.

We stopped at Cafe Coin because they had a picture of shaved ice (I really need to learn to read a menu!)  Up the stairs and into a very European looking cafe with large overstuffed arm chairs against windows and small side tables.  I loved it!

We ordered the Ice Flake or the traditional Patbingsu consisting of shaved ice, red beans, a scoop of ice cream, and nuts (on the side).  When it arrived it was huge, definitely something you share.  The red beans are slightly sweet and jellied.  The best surprise for me were the powdered rice cakes.  They are also slightly sweet and reminisce of a gummy bear in texture but not as sweet and artificial tasting.  The whole dish also had a sweet cream poured over the ice.  It was very good and we were not able to finish this dish.  It was a little pricey at 11,000 won or $10 but worth it for an original Korean dish and time spent with a new friend.

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