Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Typhoon Bolaven & Sanba

So we have experienced 2 typhoons in the past 2 weeks, Typhoon Bolaven and Typhoon Sanba.  I wasn't sure what to expect but so far we have come through without any issues.  There were a few trees blown over, some flooding and power outages.  Both typhoons impacted the coast more than Seoul, we had rain and wind gusts only.  Because of Seoul's inland location the impact is not as great however it does give some idea of the immensity of a typhoon system.  Typhoon Bolaven was as big as the entire Korean peninsula!  I am thankful I don't live closer to the coast.  

I suppose I can now add typhoons to my life experience list. 

Preparing the trees for the wind

Flooded sidewalk
Some wind damage, nothing
compared to the coast

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